"Plants Organ"
Arranged by group 3 :
Nidya Fadhilah
Sahla Eka Novianty
Siti Alifah Nurjanah
Utami Rahmi Hartini
Wida Fitriyah
Shinta Dewi Triandiny
Leaf comes from embryo inside the seed that is cotyledon. The green color of the leaf is caused by the existence of chlorophyll (green substance of the leaf).
a)Structure of leaf
A complete leaf consists of sheath, petiole, and blade.
•Bone Shapes
Bone shapes are also different kinds of leaves, among others, pinnate, arched, palmate, and parallel.
a. Pinnate
Bone leaves in this type of arrangement like the fins of fish. Examples of plants that have this type of bones are the bone leaves of guava, mango and rambutan.
b. Curved
Bone shaped like a leaf curved lines curved. Bone leaves of this type can be found in various plants in the environment around us. For example, betel leaf bones, yam, and velvetleaf.
c. Palmate
Bone palmate leaves shaped like human fingers. For example, bone papaya, distance, cassava, and cotton.
d. Parallel
Bone shaped leaves parallel lines parallel. Each leaf ends of the bones fused. For example, bone cane leaves, rice, and all types of grasses.
e. Simple leaf and compound leaf
Simple leaf is the leaf which has a single leaf on each stem. The compound leaves are leaves that have a few leaves on each stem.
In broad outline, the anatomically arrangement of the leaf from top to down is as follow:
a)Cuticle layer, is the top layer and hard to be penetrated by the water because it contains chitin and wax substances.
b)Upper epidermis is the outer tissue, which function to protect parts of leaf beneath it. In several plants, mostly water plants, this layer has pores which is called stoma (plural: stomata) or leaf mouth. The function of stomata is as the transpiration regulator and the place for the gaseous exchange.
c)Mesophyll (flesh of leaf), consists of two kinds of tissues, fence tissue/palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma in which photosynthesis takes place. Fence tissue consists of parenchyma cells which contains chlorophyll and densely arranged like a fence. Spongy tissue consists of parenchyma cells, which contain a little chlorophyll; the intercellular space is quite spacious and forms an arrangement like a sponge.
d)Vascular bundle consists of xylem and phloem, which are in petiole and leaf veins.
e)Lower epidermis is the lowest layer of the leaf. Generally, more stomata are found in the lower epidermis, but the cuticle layer thinner or absent.
b)Function of Leaf
1)The place for the photosynthesis process.
2)The place for respiration, transpiration, and guttation process.
3)To catch a prey as in pitcher plants.
4)To protect from animal disturbance as in cactus spines, this is modification of leaf.
5)As a vegetative reproductive organs as in kalanchoe.
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Minggu, 13 Februari 2011
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
System Transportation And Transpiration Of Plants
To determine the active or inactive in the xylem and phloem are in the celery.
Devices and materials:
-Red food coloring
-Former bottle
Work Procedures:
Steps 1:Place celery stem,with its leaves intact in a beaker of coloured water as in figure.
Steps 2:Place a second stem of about the same weight but with all its leaves remove in another beaker of coloured water
Steps 3 :After 20 minutes,remove both stalks and cut the stems at regular intervals too see how far the coloured water had risen
Experiment :
Place celery stem,with its leaves intact in a beaker of coloured water as in figure.
Place a second stem of about the same weight but with all its leaves remove in another beaker of coloured water.
After 20 minutes,remove both stalks and cut the stems at regular intervals too see how far the coloured water had risen
Results of experiment:
My experiment worked, because the xylem and phloem to work very well because the celery that I input into the red solution works well immersed in a solution of celery red color shows in the trunk if we split into 2 red and it shows Xylem tissue contained in the timber plants . functions to channel water from the root or bottom of the plant toward the top of the plant, although not all stem red inside but only partially affected by the red-colored solution and phloem tissue also helps to work.Xylem tissue Phloem is at the bark of a substance serves to channel results of food to all parts of plant photosynthesis
Conclusion :
Plants are living things that we do not look like a living thing because he can not move. They did not have tools such as foot and hand motion contained in animals and humans, but their organs are very complex to learn. There are some plants that have been fully developed into complete plants that have leaves, roots, stems, flowers and fruit. There are also plants that do not have some of these organs. However, in each of these plants there must be the most important transportation network consisting of xylem and phloem. Here, I will explain how important they are for the life of a plant and also how they contribute to fetch water from the soil and then spread to all parts of the plant so that all parts of plants to develop optimally.
First of all, xylem tissue has two functions in the plant. The first function is to transport water and minerals from the soil into the stem and leaves. The second function is to support the plant xylem it self so that it is not easy to fall or collapse. Xylem actually shaped the long columns in the center empty. Tubular columns have from plant roots to the leaves of plants even though they are very thin. Therefore, the xylem and phloem can only be examined through a microscope. The middle column is part of a continuous and never broken even though the plant has many branches. To strengthen the xylem, the wall columns have substance called lignin. Xylem tubes are empty and this ongoing task easier xylem to transport water and minerals as well so that none of them are stuck in certain parts of the cell (protoplasm). In addition, the presence of lignin also strengthens the plant so he would not easily collapse and can stand upright.
The second network was instrumental in the transport process in plants is phloem. Phloem transport sugar sucrose and amino acids from the organs of green plants, especially leaves, to other parts of the plant. Different from the xylem, phloem have cells called sieve tube cells, and the transport sugar sucrose and amino acids can be performed via diffusion and active transport from cell to cell in the phloem. Therefore, these foods can reach the organs of plants in a very short time so that they can perform respiration and grow.
Absorption of water from the soil to the top of the plant has meant that these plants have to resist the force of gravity which always lead to objects falling down. However, the plant managed to do that. The key is that these plants using root pressure, energy capillaries, and also the pull of transpiration. But the plants are very high, which plays the most important is the pull of transpiration. In this process, when water evaporates from mesophyll cells, then the fluid in the mesophyll cells will become increasingly saturated. These cells will draw water through osmosis from cells located deeper in the leaf. These cells will eventually attract the necessary water from the xylem tissue that is continuous column from the root to the leaves. Therefore, the water can then continue to be taken from the root to the leaves against the direction of gravity, so the process is continuously ongoing. The process of evaporation of water from leaf mesophyll cells we call the process of transpiration. Accordingly, the taking of water in this way we would call with the pull of transpiration and root for continually absorb water from the soil and transpiration continues to occur, water will continue to be transported to the top of a plant
Transpiration process is in addition lead to the withdrawal of water against the force of gravity, can also cool the plants that are constantly in the sun. They will not easily die by fire by the heat of the sun's heat because through the process of transpiration, evaporation occurs and the evaporation of water will help lower the temperature of the plant. In addition, through the process of transpiration, plants will also continue to get enough water to perform photosynthesis for survival of plants can be kept secure.
To determine the active or inactive in the xylem and phloem are in the celery.
Devices and materials:
-Red food coloring
-Former bottle
Work Procedures:
Steps 1:Place celery stem,with its leaves intact in a beaker of coloured water as in figure.
Steps 2:Place a second stem of about the same weight but with all its leaves remove in another beaker of coloured water
Steps 3 :After 20 minutes,remove both stalks and cut the stems at regular intervals too see how far the coloured water had risen
Experiment :
Place celery stem,with its leaves intact in a beaker of coloured water as in figure.
Place a second stem of about the same weight but with all its leaves remove in another beaker of coloured water.
After 20 minutes,remove both stalks and cut the stems at regular intervals too see how far the coloured water had risen
Results of experiment:
My experiment worked, because the xylem and phloem to work very well because the celery that I input into the red solution works well immersed in a solution of celery red color shows in the trunk if we split into 2 red and it shows Xylem tissue contained in the timber plants . functions to channel water from the root or bottom of the plant toward the top of the plant, although not all stem red inside but only partially affected by the red-colored solution and phloem tissue also helps to work.Xylem tissue Phloem is at the bark of a substance serves to channel results of food to all parts of plant photosynthesis
Conclusion :
Plants are living things that we do not look like a living thing because he can not move. They did not have tools such as foot and hand motion contained in animals and humans, but their organs are very complex to learn. There are some plants that have been fully developed into complete plants that have leaves, roots, stems, flowers and fruit. There are also plants that do not have some of these organs. However, in each of these plants there must be the most important transportation network consisting of xylem and phloem. Here, I will explain how important they are for the life of a plant and also how they contribute to fetch water from the soil and then spread to all parts of the plant so that all parts of plants to develop optimally.
First of all, xylem tissue has two functions in the plant. The first function is to transport water and minerals from the soil into the stem and leaves. The second function is to support the plant xylem it self so that it is not easy to fall or collapse. Xylem actually shaped the long columns in the center empty. Tubular columns have from plant roots to the leaves of plants even though they are very thin. Therefore, the xylem and phloem can only be examined through a microscope. The middle column is part of a continuous and never broken even though the plant has many branches. To strengthen the xylem, the wall columns have substance called lignin. Xylem tubes are empty and this ongoing task easier xylem to transport water and minerals as well so that none of them are stuck in certain parts of the cell (protoplasm). In addition, the presence of lignin also strengthens the plant so he would not easily collapse and can stand upright.
The second network was instrumental in the transport process in plants is phloem. Phloem transport sugar sucrose and amino acids from the organs of green plants, especially leaves, to other parts of the plant. Different from the xylem, phloem have cells called sieve tube cells, and the transport sugar sucrose and amino acids can be performed via diffusion and active transport from cell to cell in the phloem. Therefore, these foods can reach the organs of plants in a very short time so that they can perform respiration and grow.
Absorption of water from the soil to the top of the plant has meant that these plants have to resist the force of gravity which always lead to objects falling down. However, the plant managed to do that. The key is that these plants using root pressure, energy capillaries, and also the pull of transpiration. But the plants are very high, which plays the most important is the pull of transpiration. In this process, when water evaporates from mesophyll cells, then the fluid in the mesophyll cells will become increasingly saturated. These cells will draw water through osmosis from cells located deeper in the leaf. These cells will eventually attract the necessary water from the xylem tissue that is continuous column from the root to the leaves. Therefore, the water can then continue to be taken from the root to the leaves against the direction of gravity, so the process is continuously ongoing. The process of evaporation of water from leaf mesophyll cells we call the process of transpiration. Accordingly, the taking of water in this way we would call with the pull of transpiration and root for continually absorb water from the soil and transpiration continues to occur, water will continue to be transported to the top of a plant
Transpiration process is in addition lead to the withdrawal of water against the force of gravity, can also cool the plants that are constantly in the sun. They will not easily die by fire by the heat of the sun's heat because through the process of transpiration, evaporation occurs and the evaporation of water will help lower the temperature of the plant. In addition, through the process of transpiration, plants will also continue to get enough water to perform photosynthesis for survival of plants can be kept secure.
Minggu, 06 Februari 2011
Kaya Manfaat Tentang Daun Sirih
Apa sih yang kamu tahu tentang daun sirih ?
biasanya sirih tuh menurut saya sih identik dengan salah satu tanaman yang biasanya daunnya dimanfaatin sama nenek-nenek tuh buat dikunyah-kunyah gitu ya dalam bahasa Jawa "nginang" mungkin lebih populernya.Tapi kata nenek saya tuh yang suka ngunyah sirih katanya itu bagus buat gigi supaya ga cepat berlubang apalagi giginya nenek-nenek (yang udah tua) yang lebih mudah keropos.
Nah,kebetulan di pekarangan rumah saya juga bejibun tuh daunnya.karena ada 3 akar utama di pekarangan rumah saya sampe-sampe dari jauh tuh setengah pager rumah saya kehalangin tanaman sirih semua,terus pohon-pohon di deket tanaman sirih juga dilibas abis padahal ada tanaman buah srikaya yang tinggi banget sama lebat tapi ya tetep aja kalah sama sirih.Emang sih sirih tuh menurut artikel yang saya baca tanaman ini sangat mudah untuk dibudidayakannya tapi masyarakat kurang ngerti sih tentang apa manfaatnya.
Saya jadi kepikiran sama sirih di pekarangan rumah saya yang buanyak banget itu mau diapain,dan setelah saya baca-baca ternyata banyak banget loh manfaatnya.manfaat daunnya terutama.
Nih,saya mau kasih rangkuman tentang manfaatnya daun sirih :
-Hilangkan bau mulut dan cegah kerusakan gigi :
1.Satu lembar daun sirih setelah dicuci bersih dikunyah-kunyah ,ditahan bebearapa menit dalam mulut ,lalu diludahkan. Kerjakan hal itu 2-3 kali sehari.
2.Cara lainnya : rebus 5-6 lembar daun sirih dengan 2 gelas air sampai mendidih.Dinginkan dan saring dan setelah itu untuk kumur-kumur setiap pagi dan sore.
-Pembengkakan gusi/mulut :
1.Ambil daun sirih 5-6 l embar Rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai mendidih. Angkat dan saring,tambahkan garam. Selanjutnya untuk kumur-kumur 3 kali sehari.
-Perdarahan geraham:
Sehabis cabut gigi (geraham biasanya ) selalu mengalami perdarahan yang banyak.. Untuk menghentikan perdarahan, gunakan ramuan ini.
1.Ambil daun sirih 10 lembar . Setelah dicuci rebus dengan air sebanyak 5 gelas sampai mendidih. Angkatsaring. Selanjutnya kumur dengan ramuan tersebut setiap 1jam satu kali.
Ramuan tersebut juga dapat menghilangkan bau mulut yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan gigi yang sudah banyak berlubang.
-Obat batuk :
Daun sirih 5 lembar
Cengkeh,kapulaga,kemukus, masing-masing 11 biji
Kayumanis 1 jari tangan
Cara membuat:
Semua bahan setelah dicuci direbus dengan air sebanyak 2 gelas hingga airnya tinggal 1 gelas Angkat dan saring
Aturan minum :
Anak umur 1 s.d. 3 tahun 3 kali sehari 1 sendok makan.
Anak umur 4 s.d. 5 tahun 3 kali sehari 3 sendok makan
Anak umur 6 s.d. 11 tahun 3 kali sehari 5 sendok makan
Dewasa 3 kali sehari
-Menghilangkan gatal-gatal pada badan :
1.Rebus daunnya 5-6 lembar lalu masukan air secukupnya dalam panci
2.Jika sudah masak,lalu tinggal dipakain untuk mandi.tapi jangan mendidih-mendidih amat ya nanti badannya pada melepuh lagi
-Menghilangkan keputihan bagi perempuan
-Menghilangkan radang tenggorokan
-menghilangakan bau badan
Rangkuman dari semua rangkuman tentang sirih :
Menurut para ahli peneliti tanaman.Sirih ternyata mempunyai kandungan antiseptic yang cukup tinggi kadarnya maka dari itu sirih sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan gigi dan tubuh kita.makadari itu sirih sering digunakan untuk bahan utama pembuatan pasta gigi atau cairan antiseptic yang biasanya berbahan utama sirih.
makasih :-)
sampai jumpa di postingan saya berikutnya ya
(maaf kalau postingan saya membosankan,tapi yang penting Insya Allah bermanfaat buat yang udah baca)
3 Bahan Alami Yang Baik Untuk Rambut
Frekuensi pertumbuhan rambut Anda tergantung pada berbagai faktor, termasuk faktor keturunan dan kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Meskipun produk rambut tidak bisa membuat akar rambut tumbuh lebih cepat, namun dapat memperbaiki tekstur dan kondisi rambu.
Sekaligus untuk membantu melindunginya dari kerusakan dan membantu untuk tumbuh lebih panjang dan kuat. Beberapa produk alami untuk rambut bisa menjadi alternatif perawatan di rumah.
Ada beberapa bahan alami untuk membuat rambut sehat diantaranya :
Minyak kelapa
Minyak kelapa sering digunakan dalam produk kondisioner komersial. Namun, Anda juga bisa menggunakannya secara langsung di rumah. Minyak kelapa mengandung asam lemak dengan struktur molekul yang sangat kecil, yang memungkinkan prosesnya melewati kutikula rambut, lapisan luar setiap helai rambut.
Minyak kelapa juga melapisi bagian luar rambut, meminimalkan hilangnya kelembaban pada rambut karena alat-alat styling dan hair dryer. Minyak kelapa juga berguna untuk melembabkan, mengurangi kerusakan rambut akibat kering dan mencegah rambut rapuh. Memijat kulit kepala Anda dengan minyak kelapa dapat membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi di sekitar folikel tempat tumbuhnya rambut. Tidak hanya itu, minyak kelapa juga bisa menjadi pelumas untuk melembabkan kulit kepala Anda. Sifat anti-jamur alaminya juga membantu melindungi kesehatan kulit kepala dan rambut.
Air jeruk lemon atau nipis
Jus lemon dapat meningkatkan kesehatan rambut Anda dengan menghilangkan residu dari conditioner, semprotan rambut dan krim styling. Produk komersial sering mengandung bahan dengan sedikit asam untuk mengupas rambut dan menghaluskan kutikula luarnya.
Jus lemon bisa menjadi produk perawatan rambut alami dan murah sebagai alternatif pengganti produk rambut komersial. Selain meningkatkan kondisi helai rambut Anda, bilasan jus lemon juga bisa menjadi treatment smoothing alami. Khasiatnya, kulit kepala jadi lebih segar dan rambut terasa lembut serta ringan di kepala.
Kuning Telur
Banyak produk terapi rambut mengandung berbagai jenis protein untuk membantu memperkuat batang rambut dan melindunginya terhadap kerusakan. Prosedur dan teknik kimia styling kasar dapat meregangkan rambut dan merusak protein obligasi, yang menyebabkan rambut mudah rontok dan rentan terhadap kerusakan.
Merawat rambut dengan produk yang mengandung protein dapat memperbaiki tekstur rambut Anda. Beberapa produk komersial ada yang mengandung bahan alami. Namun, sumber protein dari alam seperti kuning telur bisa menjadi protein alami untuk rambut sehat Anda, yang bekerja tanpa efek samping.
Menebak Karakter Wanita Dari Caranya Berjalan
Setiap gerakan wanita ketika berjalan melambangkan keperibadiannya :
(katanya,ini juga)
1. Bila berjalan, dari belakang kelihatan seperti tidak memijak tanah. Golongan wanita yang jalannya berginjat, konon wanita ini adalah wanita yang tidak jujur, bila berbohong, mulutnya laser dan menyinggung perasaan orang lain. Wanita yang berjalan seperti ini juga terkenal dengan sikap egonya. Lebih parah, wanita ini biasanya pemboros atau suka membazir uang tanpa berpikir sebelum berbelanja. Padahal, uangnya itu masih banyak kegunaannya. Tapi jangan berkecil hati, kerana wanita seperti ini biasanya menjadi pujaan lelaki.
2. Bila berjalan, sering menoleh ke kanan and kiri. Wanita seperti ini biasanya pandai menyimpan rahsia. Walaupun ramai yang menganggap wanita seperti ini tidak jujur, suka menipu teman sendiri, dan merugikan temannya, namun, banyak lelaki yang berusaha untuk menaklukan hatinya. Konon wanita seperti ini senang diatur.
3. Bila berjalan suka menunduk. Cara berjalan melambangkan wanita seperti ini memiliki sifat yang tertutup. Ia hanya akan berbicara dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengannya dan dapat dipercaya untuk menyimpan rahasianya. Wanita seperti ini biasanya sukar untuk ditakluk hatinya. Disamping sikapnya yang dingin, wanita seperti ini tidak peduli dengan kehidupan cinta. Namun, jika ada lelaki yang berhasil menawan hatinya, dijamin akan mendapat kebahagiaan. Sebab, wanita jenis ini sangat setia, dan dia tidak akan mengkhianati lelaki yang dicintainya.
4. Bila berjalan menatap lurus ke depan. Wanita seperti ini biasanya memiliki pendirian yang teguh. Jangan sekali-sekali menentang apa yang pernah dikatakannya, jika anda tidak mau mendengar dia bicara panjang lebar. Meski pendiriannya teguh,tapi selalu berselisih pendapat. Jangan heran jika wanita seperti ini hanya mau bicara dengan orang yang berpengetahuan luas.
5. Bila berjalan badan tampak tegak. Wanita ini tegas menentukan sikapnya sendiri. Dia tidak mau urusan pribadinya dicampuri orang lain. Gaya bicaranya serius, menunjukkan dia memiliki pendirian teguh. Yang menarik dari wanita ini, ia bertanggung jawap terhadap apa yang pernah dilakukannya. Dia menyenangi lelaki yang mandiri tanpa meninggalkan sifat-sifat romantisnya.
6. Bila berjalan sambil cengar- cengir, senyam-senyum tanpa alasan jelas. Ini wanita gila, agak kurang waras jangan didekati.
7. Bila berjalan sambil nyanyi terus bawa kecrekan. Berarti dia WARIA, bukan wanita asli..banyak pria yang takut padanya.
8. Bila berjalan sambil sesekali memamerkan barisan gigi-giginya yang putih. HATI HATI dia belom di suntik rabies !
9. Bila berjalan, dari belakang kelihatan seperti tidak memijak tanah. Mungkin dia setan lari hahahaha :P
10. Kalo ada wanita bisa jalan di air, wuah..itu pasti zhang zi yi! cewe kung fu
11. Kalo ada wanita berambut panjang menutup muka dan keluar merangkak dari TV anda, maka itu Sadako. Avoid at all cost!
12. Bila jalannya maju mundur, itu artinya wanita plin-plan, so kalo mau berhubungan dengan wanita jenis ini berhati-hati lah , ini hari dia bilang iya besok dia bilang NO NO NO NO NO.
13. Kalo ada wanita yang berjalan melompat-lompat, nah loh, seram. Pocong
14. Kalo ada wanita yg habis baca artikel ini ada yang senyam senyum sendirian, apalagi sampe tertawa cekikikan, nah loh saya kagak tahu jenis yang mana ini.
(nah,kalau yang dari nomer 6-14 jangan dipercaya itu hanya hiburan semata haha :D)
(katanya,ini juga)
1. Bila berjalan, dari belakang kelihatan seperti tidak memijak tanah. Golongan wanita yang jalannya berginjat, konon wanita ini adalah wanita yang tidak jujur, bila berbohong, mulutnya laser dan menyinggung perasaan orang lain. Wanita yang berjalan seperti ini juga terkenal dengan sikap egonya. Lebih parah, wanita ini biasanya pemboros atau suka membazir uang tanpa berpikir sebelum berbelanja. Padahal, uangnya itu masih banyak kegunaannya. Tapi jangan berkecil hati, kerana wanita seperti ini biasanya menjadi pujaan lelaki.
2. Bila berjalan, sering menoleh ke kanan and kiri. Wanita seperti ini biasanya pandai menyimpan rahsia. Walaupun ramai yang menganggap wanita seperti ini tidak jujur, suka menipu teman sendiri, dan merugikan temannya, namun, banyak lelaki yang berusaha untuk menaklukan hatinya. Konon wanita seperti ini senang diatur.
3. Bila berjalan suka menunduk. Cara berjalan melambangkan wanita seperti ini memiliki sifat yang tertutup. Ia hanya akan berbicara dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengannya dan dapat dipercaya untuk menyimpan rahasianya. Wanita seperti ini biasanya sukar untuk ditakluk hatinya. Disamping sikapnya yang dingin, wanita seperti ini tidak peduli dengan kehidupan cinta. Namun, jika ada lelaki yang berhasil menawan hatinya, dijamin akan mendapat kebahagiaan. Sebab, wanita jenis ini sangat setia, dan dia tidak akan mengkhianati lelaki yang dicintainya.
4. Bila berjalan menatap lurus ke depan. Wanita seperti ini biasanya memiliki pendirian yang teguh. Jangan sekali-sekali menentang apa yang pernah dikatakannya, jika anda tidak mau mendengar dia bicara panjang lebar. Meski pendiriannya teguh,tapi selalu berselisih pendapat. Jangan heran jika wanita seperti ini hanya mau bicara dengan orang yang berpengetahuan luas.
5. Bila berjalan badan tampak tegak. Wanita ini tegas menentukan sikapnya sendiri. Dia tidak mau urusan pribadinya dicampuri orang lain. Gaya bicaranya serius, menunjukkan dia memiliki pendirian teguh. Yang menarik dari wanita ini, ia bertanggung jawap terhadap apa yang pernah dilakukannya. Dia menyenangi lelaki yang mandiri tanpa meninggalkan sifat-sifat romantisnya.
6. Bila berjalan sambil cengar- cengir, senyam-senyum tanpa alasan jelas. Ini wanita gila, agak kurang waras jangan didekati.
7. Bila berjalan sambil nyanyi terus bawa kecrekan. Berarti dia WARIA, bukan wanita asli..banyak pria yang takut padanya.
8. Bila berjalan sambil sesekali memamerkan barisan gigi-giginya yang putih. HATI HATI dia belom di suntik rabies !
9. Bila berjalan, dari belakang kelihatan seperti tidak memijak tanah. Mungkin dia setan lari hahahaha :P
10. Kalo ada wanita bisa jalan di air, wuah..itu pasti zhang zi yi! cewe kung fu
11. Kalo ada wanita berambut panjang menutup muka dan keluar merangkak dari TV anda, maka itu Sadako. Avoid at all cost!
12. Bila jalannya maju mundur, itu artinya wanita plin-plan, so kalo mau berhubungan dengan wanita jenis ini berhati-hati lah , ini hari dia bilang iya besok dia bilang NO NO NO NO NO.
13. Kalo ada wanita yang berjalan melompat-lompat, nah loh, seram. Pocong
14. Kalo ada wanita yg habis baca artikel ini ada yang senyam senyum sendirian, apalagi sampe tertawa cekikikan, nah loh saya kagak tahu jenis yang mana ini.
(nah,kalau yang dari nomer 6-14 jangan dipercaya itu hanya hiburan semata haha :D)
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